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Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft
Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft 推薦
前一陣子去書展看到很多書都很想買~~~~~ 但那天居然忘記帶錢包出門 > 整個非常的失落!!!!因為就是要去書展買書呀.... 我真的很喜歡看書~日常沒事最大的休閒就是看書 從文學類到旅遊類等等什麼都看 所以買書是我的一大樂趣之一~~~~ 最近朋友們都在推薦一本很好看的書!!!! 就是 Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft 是年度排行榜書籍耶!!! 我力馬上博客來購買~~~~~~ 博客來時常有打折優惠 買書真得比較優惠唷~~~~ 推薦給跟我一樣喜歡閱讀的朋友壓 :) 博客來傳送門順便一起給你囉~~~~~~
Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft
Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft 內容:
Chinese opera embraces over 360 different styles of theatre that make one of the richest performance arts in the world. It combines music, speech, poetry, mime, acrobatics, stage fighting, vivid face-painting and exquisite costumes. First experiences of Chinese opera can be baffling because its vocabulary of stagecraft is familiar only to the seasoned aficionado. Chinese Opera: The Actor’s Craft makes the experience more accessible for everyone. This book uses breath-taking images of Chinese opera in performance by Hong Kong photographer Siu Wang-Ngai to illustrate and explain Chinese opera stage technique. The book explores costumes, gestures, mime, acrobatics, props and stage techniques. Each explanation is accompanied by an example of its use in an opera and is illustrated by in-performance photographs. Chinese Opera: The Actor’s Craft provides the reader with a basic grammar for understanding uniquely Chinese solutions to staging drama.
Chinese Opera:The Actor’s Craft